Monday, November 27, 2006

Protecting Pagosa from Peace

Apparently, the Peace Sign doesn't square with the seasonal celebration of the birth of Christ, at least not in a small town in southwestern Colorado.

The peace symbol was originally designed by commercial artist Gerald Holtam and adopted by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Britain. It consists of an encircled, overlapping N and D (for Nuclear Disarmament) in semaphore language.

But could it mean .... Satan?

Bob Kearns, the president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs, who indicates that a homeowner's wreath, in the shape of a peace sign, is offensive, said "We have had three or four complaints. Some people have kids in Iraq, and they are sensitive." He went on to add that some residents believe the peace sign is a symbol of Satan.

Lisa Jensen, the alledged wreath-loving devil worshipper, received a letter from a member of the association board that said, in part, "Loma Linda residents are offended by the peace sign displayed on the front of your house. ... This Board will not allow any signs, flags etc. that can be considered divisive.”

Yes, when it comes to decisiveness, "Peace" must be pretty high on the list.

Sanity briefly intervened with the association board's architectural control committe refused Kearns' order to remove the wreath. The committee's chairman decided, in a flood of lucidity, that it was merely a seasonal symbol that didn't say anything.

In a wonderful example of peace and good will, Bob Kearns subsequently fired all five members of the board, saying the association will fine Jensen $25 a day for every day it remains up, or about $1,000 if the wreath continues to offend peace haters everywhere through Christmas Day.

Kearns, meanwhile, also said he was concerned about the pagan symbolism of the peace sign. “It’s also an anti-Christ sign. That’s how it started,” he told the Durango Herald.

Thanks for clearing that up Bob.

You moron.



David said...

Score Peace 1, Homeowner Association 0:

Pro Peace Symbol Forces Win Battle in Colorado Town

1:52 PM  

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