Friday, August 18, 2006

Lee Harvey Oswald Begat Donald Rumsfeld

It was so much fun contemplating my first Weird Connections article that I've decided to add a second.

If Lee Harvey Oswald had never been born, then he would not have assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

If President Kennedy had not been assassinated, Lyndon Baines Johnson would not have become president, leaving the office of Vice President vacant until Hubert H. Humprey took the oath of office as Vice President following the 1964 presidential election.

Without a vacancy at Vice President, Congress would not have bothered voting in the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides the method to fill a Vice Presidential vacancy mid-term.

Without a 25th amendment, Representative Gerald Ford would not have become Vice President following the resignation of Spiro Agnew.

With a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, Nixon's subsequent resignation would have resulted in then Speaker of the House Carl Albert (D-OK) becoming President of the United States.

Without Gerald Ford as President, he would have been unable to appoint washed up Congressman Donald Rumsfeld as (first) his transition leader, and (subsequently) his Chief of Staff.

Without receiving those plum appointments, Rumsfeld's subsequent government career would have been highly unlikely, if not impossible.



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