Thursday, July 20, 2006

Where's the Joe-mentum?

Polls published today indicate that Connecticut semi-Republican Senator Joe Lieberman is trailing his democratic challenger. A Quinnipiac University poll has Ned Lamont ahead by a tally of 51-47 percent among likely voters in the Aug. 8 Democratic primary, a huge swing from a similar poll in June that had Lieberman trouncing Lamont 55-40. Does Ned Lamont, the challenger, have Lieberman by the Joe-gular? (Pun apologized for.)

And it looks like Lieberman is enlisting the aid of a man he criticized, not so long ago, for "disgraceful behavor." Former President Clinton is scheduled to be stumping with Joe come Monday.

I'm not a big Joe fan. If you talk like a republican, if you walk like a republican, if you vote like a republican, and if you're President Bush's hug-buddy (acknowledging Joe's statement that it was only a hug, and not a kiss), then you're a republican, regardless of which primary you choose to run in. Win or lose (and I'm hoping for the latter), I'm just glad Joe has a democratic candidate out there working to send him into early Joe-tirement.



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